Setting the Standard

The National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities

The National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) is a national organization that plays a pivotal role in influencing the direction and development of the adapted physical education/activity field. Its mission is to promote, stimulate, and encourage legislative mandates, professional preparation, advocacy, and research in physical activity, physical education and recreation for individuals with disabilities.

Please check our mission and vision.

Member Review and Feedback needed for Bylaws Revision, 5/20-6/21, 2024 

The current NCPEID Bylaws were published in 2022. To more accurately reflect NCPEID’s business, procedures and processes, a revised draft of the NCPEID Bylaws has been developed. Revisions include, but are not limited to, out-of-date language or terminology, addition of the APENS Executive Director to the Executive Committee, change in title of board positions, format and location for annual conference, and revised dates for nominations and awards. This communication serves as an invitation for membership to be informed about the project, as well as have an opportunity to comment during the 30-day review period from 5/20-6/21/2024.  All comments will be considered by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors prior to a final vote by membership to approve of the revised draft.

NCPEID members can access the link for comments using their NCPEID user ID and password.

Access Revised Bylaws Here
Access Summary of Bylaws Revisions
Submit a Comment Here (Only Current Members)

Adapted Physical Education Under the Law 

An advocacy resource showing direct connections of adapted physical education to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by Brad Weiner



Click here to access to the resource!

Adapted Physical Education National Standards

 Professional taking the APENS exam.

Certified Adapted Physical Educator


Click to ask questions!

Importance of Adapted/General Physical Education