The APENS exam

Where and When is the exam?

The APENS exam is currently ONLY offered online UNLESS pre-approved by APENS Chair, at any school on any date throughout the academic year, and at professional conferences (e.g., the APENS exam is typically offered at annual SHAPE America conferences). Please contact the APENS office to learn more about this convenient process (607) 753-4969.

How is the APENS exam Formatted?

The APENS exam is composed of 100 multiple choice questions designed to measure knowledge of adapted physical education. Applicants are allowed 3 hours to complete the exam. The questions are derived from the level 4 content from each of the 15 standard areas in the Adapted Physical Education National Standards manual.

How Much Does the APENS National Certification Cost?

The APENS National Certification fee is $250. For applicants seeking initial certification, this fee includes the administration and scoring of the APENS exam.

How Should I Study for the APENS exam?

Applicants are encouraged to review the Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS) and the corresponding study guide in preparation for taking the APENS exam. Both the APENS (3rd edition) and the web-based study guide are available through Human Kinetics. 

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Adapted Physical Education National Standards-3rd Edition with Web Study Guide

This text is the only complete guide to the adapted physical education national standards (APENS) and it now comes with a new web study guide with more than 1,100 sample test questions for educators who are studying to take the Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE) exam. Every adapted physical educator must know these standards in order to pass the APENS exam and become a certified adapted physical educator (CAPE).

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Adapted Physical Education National Standards Web Study Guide-3rd Edition (web study guide only) 

Expanded and web-based study guide offers sample questions but does not provide how to study the content for a particular standard nor does it provide resources or other literature to review to gain knowledge of particular standard test items with explanations for each answer, and recommendations for additional resources.