CAPE Recertification

Persons who are eligible to recertify as a CAPE fall into two categories:

●       Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Practitioners

Apply for Practitioners Recertification

●       Higher Education Faculty/Personnel

Apply for Higher Education Recertification

Please note: Regardless of the recertification category, please be advised that all portions of the application must be completed online at one time so please be sure to have all of your information and needed documentation available before you begin the application. The application cannot be saved and returned at a later date.

Recertification Options for Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Practitioners

There are two options for adapted physical education practitioners who have previously earned their CAPE certification.

Option 1: Recertification through the APENS exam (take and pass the current version of the APENS exam).

Option 2: Recertification through a portfolio for adapted physical educators who are current CAPEs with 7 years of experience teaching physical education for students with disabilities (this includes physical education services provided inside or outside of the general education setting).

CAPEs who are applying for recertification under Option 2 must provide (a) evidence of valid teaching certification in general or adapted physical education, AND (b) a portfolio documenting 15 points worth of professional activities across the following categories.  Please note that in reviewing the portfolio, the APENS Review Committee will look for professional activities focused on adapted physical education that are distributed across the 7-year CAPE certification period. Please use the APENS Portfolio Template to develop your professional portfolio.

Eligible Professional Activities:

A. Serving as an elected official or board member of one (1) state or national adapted physical education/sport organization for a minimum of one (1) year (2 points per year for a maximum of 6 points)

B. Earning additional certifications related to adapted physical education such as Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer from ACSM-NCHPAD, Certified Disability Sport Specialist from BlazeSports, or Special Olympics Coaching Certification (2 points per certification for a maximum of 6 points)

C. Taking and successfully passing a 3-credit hour college or university graduate-level course in adapted physical education (1 point per credit hour for a maximum of 9 points)

D. Continuing professional development by earning continuing education credits or attending a state or national level conference focused on adapted physical education (1 point per professional development for a maximum of 3 points)

E. Providing a presentation or in-service at a state, national, or local/school level related to adapted physical education (1 point per presentation for a maximum of 3 points)

F. Supervising interns or student teachers in adapted physical education for a minimum of 200 hours (3 points per 200-hour internship for a maximum of 6 points)

G. Teaching a post-secondary course on adapted physical education through an accredited institution (1 point per credit hour/unit for a maximum of 6 points)

H. Coaching a full season of sport that serves individuals with disabilities (e.g., high school adapted sport, a Special Olympics Sport or Unified Sport, Team Prime Time Sport, Challenger Baseball, etc.; 1 point per season for a maximum of 3 points)

I. Developing and initiating an adapted physical education program in your local district to meet the needs of students with disabilities such as an inclusive after-school program, peer tutoring program, Paralympic field day, parent-training program, etc. Note that initiatives must be substantial in nature and have appropriate documentation (1 point per event/program for a maximum of 3 points)

J. Providing documentation from school personnel of sustained service as an adapted physical education practitioner who regularly attends IEP meetings and develops corresponding special education paperwork; assesses and monitors student performance, including for the purposes of determining eligibility for APE services; and provides individualized instruction to students with disabilities (1 point per year for a maximum of 6 points)  

K. Providing documentation of other significant professional activities related to adapted physical education not listed above (activities must be approved, and have point value individually determined by the APENS Review Committee PRIOR to submission of the portfolio; applicants may earn no more than 6 points in this category)


Recertification Option for Higher Education Faculty/Personnel

Faculty in higher education who have previously earned their CAPE certification must submit a portfolio for recertification.

Portfolio for Higher Education Professionals

Professionals from higher education who are applying for recertification must provide a copy of their curriculum vitae with relevant content highlighted as well as supporting materials that clearly document all of the following criteria. The curriculum vitae and supporting materials must be submitted as a single PDF document within the online application.

A. Graduate degree in adapted physical education or a related area

B. Concentrated professional preparation in adapted physical education (minimum of 15 hours)

C. Current member of the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities 

D. Evidence of ongoing and sustained engagement in the area of teaching in adapted physical education including:

i. A minimum of 5 years teaching in higher education including teaching one or more courses in adapted physical education annually; and/or

ii. A minimum of 9 semester hours of supervising college/university students in practica, internships, and/or student teaching related to the direct instruction of students with disabilities in physical education environments

E. Evidence of ongoing and sustained engagement in the area of scholarship in adapted physical education including:

i. Peer-reviewed professional presentations and/or publications; and/or

ii. In-services/workshops, consultation to schools, or creative endeavors

F. Evidence of ongoing and sustained engagement in the area of service in adapted physical education including:

i. Member of professional organizations focusing on providing physical education to individuals with disabilities (other than NCPEID); and/or 

ii. Active involvement in service to the profession such as serving as an elected officer for organizations relevant to adapted physical education, serving on a professional committee, on-going attendance to professional conferences, serving as a peer reviewer, program or course development in adapted physical education, administering community based adapted physical activity or disability sport programming, etc.

Individuals who initially became a CAPE as a practitioner but have transitioned to a position in higher education may choose to recertify through either the practitioner or higher education faculty/personnel option.

Individuals with questions are always encouraged to contact APENS at (607) 753-4969 or email us at [email protected], including individuals who are not in higher education or a practitioner but believe they may be eligible for CAPE certification.

Click for Practitioner Recertification Application         
 Click for Higher Education Recertification Application