Currently Elected Officers
The governing body for NCPEID is comprised of a 5-member Executive Committee and a 10-member Board of Directors. Included within this governing body are the president, immediate past president or president-elect, vice president, treasurer, secretary, four members at-large, historian, APENS chair, awards chair, research consortium chair, and two student representatives.
Executive Committee
Iva Obrusnikova, PhD, CAPE
NCPEID President
Professor, University of Delaware
Deborah R. Shapiro, PhD
NCPEID Past President (2022-2024)
Professor, Georgia State University
[email protected]
Pamela Beach, PhD
NCPEID Vice President (2022-2025)
Professor & Associate Dean, Rochester Institute of Technology

Chih-Chia (JJ) Chen, PhD, CAPE
NCPEID Vice President-Elect (2024-2025)
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
Adam Pennell, PhD, CAPE
Treasurer (2022-2026)
Associate Professor, Pepperdine University
Kimberly Shepherd, CAPE
Secretary (2024-2026)
Practitioner, Carson City Schools
[email protected]
Timothy D. Davis, PhD, CAPE
NCPEID APENS Executive Director (2020-2024)
Associate Professor, State University of New York Cortland
[email protected]
Board of Directors
Melissa Bittner, PhD
NCPEID Member at Large (2023-2025)
Associate Professor, California State University, Long Beach
[email protected]

Layne (Laynie) Case, PhD
NCPEID Member at Large
Assistant Professor, California State University, Chico
Lindsay Ball, PhD
NCPEID Member at Large (2024-2026)
Assistant Professor, State University of New York Cortland

Tara McCarthy
NCPEID Member at Large (2024-2026)
[email protected]
Wellington De Luna Vazquez
NCPEID Student Representative (2023-2025)
Georgia State University
[email protected]

Jill Spohn, CAPE
NCPEID Student Representative (2024-2026)
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Leah Ketchenson, PhD, CAPE
APENS Committee Chair (2024-2028)
Associate Professor, Wayne State University

Lauren Bean, PhD
Social Media Manager (2024-2026)
Assistant Professor, State University of New York Brockport
Scott McNamara, PhD, CAPE
NCPEID Parliamentarian (2023-2025)
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
[email protected]
Suzanna Dillon, PhD, CAPE
Policy and Advocacy Committee Co-Chair (2022-2025)
Professor, Texas Woman's University
[email protected]
Beth Foster, PhD, CAPE
NCPEID Research Chair (2022-2023)
Associate Professor, West Chester University, PA
Samantha Ross, PhD
NCPEID Awards Chair (2023-2026)
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Myung Ha (Mason) Sur, PhD
NCPEID Website Manager
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Numerous prominent leaders in the academic disciplines of Adapted Physical Education/Activity and Therapeutic Recreation have served as president of the Consortium. Many of these past presidents are authors of the scholarly textbooks and significant research/demonstration projects that serve as the foundations for effective physical activity and recreation programming for individuals with disabilities.